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The answer is 4x^212xy9y^2 First, we begin by setting it in the form of (2x3y)(2x3y) Using FOIL, we multiply the first term with the outer and inner term of (2x)(2x3y) If done right, you should arrive to the answer of 4x^26xy Now we do the same for the last term of the first part so (3y)(2x3y)Simplify (3x2y)^2 (2x3y)^2 \square!Yashjain1230 yashjain1230 Math Secondary School answered Factorise 4 x^2 12xy 9y^2 2 See answers KshitijAgarwal KshitijAgarwal 4x^212xy9x^2 it is solved by an identity (2x)^2 2*2x*3y(3y)^2 (2x3y)^2 Its correct answer ya so can uh explain?

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